Not another fanboy!

Hello everyone. As I chat with fellow fans at conventions, every so often someone would tell me that I should write a blog. And I would look at them, smile and procastinate about it for the next month or so before I would forget about it.

But then, as happens quite frequently, I would be inspired by someone close to me to get it together and do something about it, so here goes my blog about one of my favourite hobbies, comics.

I’ve read comics since I can remember being able to read. And I love the way that they can transport me to a different world where everything is OK and you have no worries except how the story is going to turn out.

This header is my current reading pile. And to give you an idea of how catholic my reading tastes are, I am going to list all the comics in this picture and let you judge how much a fan I am. If you’re sitting comfortably, then I’ll begin.


Denis Gifford’s Space Aces

The Invisibles Countdown to the Millenium

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Parts 1 to 4

Draw The Line Here

Jupiter’s Legacy

Fatman and Ribbon

Happy Birthday Martha Washington

Saltire: Annihilation Part 1

Electric Soup: The 10th Anniversary Special (signed by Frank Quitely

Range Rider Annual

Roy Rodgers Annual (signed by Walt Howarth)

J Michael Straczynski’s Rising Stars

Planet Jimbot’s Amazing and Fantastic Tales 1 to 5

1976 Victor Annual

MAD’s Greatest Artists Sergio Aragones

From Hell

As you might be able to tell, I am fairly wide ranging in my comic tastes.

I am not going to update this blog every day, but I will try and feature bits and pieces of comics that I pick up on and try to pass on some of my knowledge.

As I get more adept at how to use this blogging site, it may take a while before the look of the site settles down to a standard format so bear with me until then!

5 thoughts on “Not another fanboy!

  1. Hey, nice to see this. I saw Lew Stringer’s announcement of your launch and clicked over from there. Comics are still my first love and, despite many internet distractions, there’s always room to read more about them. Good luck with future posts.


    1. Thanks folks.Comics has always been a big part of my life. So my posts are there to celebrate the comic medium, not denigrate it. I was going to try and write only one post a month, but that has already gone out the window, but I will do my best to keep my musings positive and give everyone including myself a feelgood space on the internet.


      1. Sitting here with a glass of vino collapso – the red Italian kind that’s supposed to be good for you – I find myself becoming envious of your energy and ability to get something started. Like you, comics are a big part of my life, have been for decades. I always wanted to share my interest with others but in the UK of many years ago, that interest was treatedwith suspicion and insulting language by many workmates and social acquantances. The advent of social media and WordPress has let folk who know how to use it spread the word about this amazing hobby.
        I know that I would be going on at length about the lack of appreciation in the UK for many obscure characters, TNT TOM; Spring Heeled Jackson; Ace Hart; Roy Carson; Swift Morgan and many more, had I the ability to figure out how to use these blogging progs. So I leave it to you and others to continue to look at the amazing world of comics. So go to it.


      2. I know what you mean, but it was when I was able to explain it to a football fan about 10 years ago that it all clicked for me. He was surprised that I would pay £30 for a comic book. But when I put it into terms that he could understand, then it clicked for me. I have experienced the full gamut of reactions from outright derision to delighted relief in meeting another fan.

        I have been told for years that I know loads about comics, but when I compared myself to people like Ray Moore, Steve Holland, Lew Stringer and the like, I felt that I was barely scratching the surface. But when I started to look at what I did know, I began to realise that I do know loads. And I have just enough memories of the social mores of the 1970’s and 1980’s that I can put some of these comics into a social context. Like how did it feel to be one of the precious ones that Mary Whitehouse and the NVALA were trying to protect?

        I am trying to think of my next post and I can feel a bit of a historic delve coming on!


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